Understanding (your) research metrics

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Generally speaking for researchers, the availability of metrics depends on your research output being available online. Individual researchers might use metrics as evidence for job or grant applications or to inform a publication and communication strategy. Beyond personal interest, research metrics are used to rank and to benchmark universities and to drive policy and funding [...]

Strengthening Your Scientific and Research Communication Skills

Online course via Microsoft Teams

This session will guide researchers in selecting the right communication strategy to increase their scientific research's visibility. It includes discussion on the tools offered by Ghent University, and the use of social media and online academic networks like LinkedIn, X (formerly known as Twitter), ResearchGate, and Academia.edu. It will address the pros of cons of [...]

Predatory practices in academic publishing, focused on health sciences

Online course via Microsoft Teams

Every researcher who wants to publish research results, faces so called predatory publishing. These are publication venues that claim to be legitimate scholarly open access journals, but misrepresent their publishing practices. Because there is a wide spectrum from genuinely fraudulent and deceitful practices to questionable and unethical practices, we rather speak of predatory practices instead [...]